The Ghetto dates back to 1516 when a Jewish Venice community of some 700 people first established itself in Venice, relegated to the Cannaregio district and permitted to leave it only during daylight hours. Most likely, the word ghetto, now used throughout the world, is derived from Getto, the name of the area's foundry in those days. The Jews, most of them of German origin, probably pronounced the name of this neighborhood landmark with a hard "g", thus transforming Getto into ghetto.

Efforts to accommodate the community's growing population within the confines of the district resulted in the construction of houses quite tall by Venetian standards (five or six stories) which are referred to as the "skyscrapers of Venice".

One of the Oil Paintings I bought in Venice.

I didn't know you weren't supposed to take pictures of the old synagogues until after I started clicking away!

The Venetian Government forbade the use of marble in the original synagogues so they used a substitute for marble-circa 1600

Synagogue that is used in the summer.

HE is everywhere!

Give me your tired, your poor...

This would make a great cell phone commercial.

Little Birdie joined me for lunch on the Lido

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